Woven Hug

A community-created textile artwork giving us all a hug!

6 July - 26 August

Flowerfields Art Centre, Portstewart.

Have you seen Woven Hug yet? Led by artists Tere Chad, Cordelia Rizzo assisted by Mario, Woven Hug embraced local communities and individuals by inviting them to reconnect, reunite and reflect on our rich landscape and cultural landscape, our post-Good Friday agreement society and the historical role of women in society. (Scroll to find the Woven Hug documentary attached).

Through a series of engagement sessions over two weeks, community participants, artists and individuals created over 100 resulting embroideries to collaboratively make up this stunning textile artwork which is giving us and surrounding communities a lovely, warm hug!

First delivered in Monterrey, Mexico, Woven Hug encourages communities to connect through creative textiles and has sustainability at its heart by using recycled materials in response to the environmental damage caused by fast fashion. It provides all involved with an opportunity to re-purpose donated materials into something beautiful - thank you so much to the many individuals who kindly donated fabrics to the project over the past month.

Woven Hug is displayed at the front of the Flowerfield Art Centre in Portstewart until 26 August. A HUGE thanks to the many community groups, artists and individuals who participated, Roberta Bacic of Conflict Textiles and of course, Tere, Cordelia and Mario. For opening time and more information please see, Flowerfield’s website.

This project has been made possible through partnerships with Linen Biennale, Ulster University, Queen's University, and Conflict Textiles, with generous financial support from the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the Buffett Institute for Global Affairs.

Read about Woven Hug in Selvedge Magazine.

Images and video by images taken by Kavod Films.